
Policy 3820 — Lowering the University flag to half-staff

Policy section:
Section 3800-3899 Miscellaneous
Policy number:
Lowering the University flag to half-staff
Approved By:
The President
Approved date:
December 1, 2017
Effective date:
January 1, 2018
Administered by:
President’s Office staff and the Director of Facilities Management


The University flag refers to the Canadian flag flying in front of the University Chapel.


The University flag is lowered to half-staff as a sign of respect and mourning.
The flag will be lowered to mark the passing of:

  • current members of faculty or staff
  • current students
  • current members of the Board of Regents
  • any former faculty or staff with emeritus status

 In addition, a notice will be sent to the University community from the President’s Office.

A notice will also be sent to the community in the event of the death of a former employee with 10 years of service or more.

The University will only lower the flag and/or send notices once it receives official confirmation of a death. Any flags flying adjacent to the University flag shall also be lowered to half-staff. Other flags on campus need not be lowered to half-staff.

The flag may also be lowered, at the discretion of the President, to recognize the passing of prominent public figures, to mark nationally-agreed occasions, or to recognize other individuals or events.

In all instances, the flag will normally be lowered to half-staff on one occasion, usually on the day of the deceased’s funeral or memorial service. If the funeral has already taken place, the President will choose an alternate day on which to lower the flag.

The President may approve an exception to this policy.

This policy will be reviewed at least once every five years.