
Purdy Crawford Centre for the Arts

The Pierre Lassonde School of Fine Arts is located in the Purdy Crawford Centre for the Arts. This 50,000-square-foot building was specially designed for the specific needs of our School of Fine Arts. The building consists of three main building blocks of space joined together by a spacious common atrium, with one area for the Drama Studies program's theatre, one main studio area, and a third office and studio area.

First Floor

Sculpture Studio. Spanning over three rooms, the Sculpture Studio offers facilities for the production of three-dimensional work. The main classroom provides work space for first, second, and third-year sculpture classes, along with areas for mold-making, and textile production. These courses are further supported by a fully-equipped wood shop and metal shop, plus a spray booth. All Fine Arts students have access to the tools and facilities available in the Sculpture Studio.

Second Floor

Photography Classroom, Darkrooms, and Digital Media Lab. The photography facility services the first, second, and third-year photography classes. There are digital and analogue darkrooms, including a group darkroom, three senior student darkrooms, and an open finishing area. The Digital Media Lab provides access to computers, editing software, and printers. The Digital Media Lab is a smart classroom, with an overhead digital projector and screen. Students across the School use the Digital Media Lab for interdisciplinary course work.

Third Floor

Foundation Studio. This studio functions as the primary classroom for first-year courses.  First-year BFA and BA majors/minors in Fine Arts meet here for their first-year Drawing, Examining Studio Practices, Introduction to Media (Painting), and Exploring a Studio Practice courses. First-year students use this studio as their main workspace outside of class time. The Foundation Studio is a smart classroom, with an overhead digital projector and screen.

Drawing Studio. Second and third-year painting classes meet in this studio, along with the Open Media class. The studio is equipped with tables, easels, flat files, a storage mezzanine, and walls suitable for both working on and displaying work. The Drawing Studio is a smart classroom with an overhead digital projector and screen.

Painting Studio. Second and third-year painting classes meet in this studio. The studio is equipped with easels, taborets, a storage mezzanine, and a ventilation system. The Painting Studio is a smart classroom with an overhead digital projector and screen.

Printmaking Studio. Spanning three rooms, the Printmaking Studio is equipped for a range of printmaking techniques. The studio is equipped with multiple presses, a separate acid room, a clean area for paper cutting and stone storage, a graphic arts darkroom, and a storage mezzanine. First, second, and third-year printmaking classes meet in this studio.

Fourth-Year Studio. The Fourth-Year Studio provides 12 individual studio spaces for fourth-year BFA students and BA majors in Fine Arts. This space has hinged dividing walls that allow for alternate configurations of the studio set-up. The studio includes tables, easels, shelves, taborets, and flat files for student use.

Photo Studio. This production studio provides lighting and backdrops for photo and video shoots.

Critique and Presentation Room. The Critique and Presentation Room is used by faculty for lectures and class critiques. The Critique Room is a smart classroom, with an overhead digital projector and screen. The School shares this space with the Drama Studies program, which uses the room for rehearsals.